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We want to provide your kids with the best experience here at River of Life. Upon arrival, a team member will greet you and walk you through the check-in process.  We ask that all guardians checking in kids provide a mobile phone number, emergency contact name, and allergy info.

The first Sunday of each month is our BGMC Sunday. BGMC stands for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. We learn about a different country each month and what the missionaries are doing there and how BGMC has helped them by providing supplies like puppets and Sunday School curriculum or even things like fresh drinking water. We challenge kids to reach the world through Praying, Giving and Going. 

The other Sundays we use the High Voltage Kids Curriculum. This curriculum is topic or character based, such as Moses, How to Deal with Fear or Lessons to learn from Animals in the Bible. It is a fun engaging curriculum. 

Some Sundays we have FAMILY CHURCH (typically the last Sunday of the month). Family Church is when kids stay in the Sanctuary with their families.  During these Sundays, we have Busy Bags with color & activity pages and books available. 


Parents and guardians, please check-in your kids (age 4 - grade 4) at the check-in cart located in the hallway near the restrooms. They will attend church with you until they are dismissed following worship. Please pick up your kids as soon as possible following the worship service in the same location. We will typically have Kids Church every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month, which will be Family Church (Kids will be in the sanctuary with their families and busy bags will be available.)


Wednesday evening check-in begins at 6:20 PM. Kids age 4 - Kindergarten will begin with activities in the Nursery. They will move to the Conference Room for their lesson then break into small groups.  Kids in grade 1-4 will begin as a large group in the Sanctuary then break into small groups. Pick up is at 8:00 PM. We encourage you, as a parent/guardian to stay and take advantage of adult life groups offered during this time. 


Sunday mornings during worship service for ages infant through age 3. Each Sunday there is a Lead Teacher and Helper scheduled to take care of your little ones. 

We want to provide your kids with the best experience here at River of Life. Upon arrival, a team member will greet you and walk you through the check-in process.  We ask that all guardians checking in kids provide a mobile phone number, emergency contact name, and allergy info.

Children Ministry Team Coordinator
Monica Anderson

The Children Ministry Team exists to ensure that all children are exclusively
devoted to Jesus and fully committed citizens in His kingdom.